Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Rocky (not the boxer or the mascot)

Speaking of notable characters, I feel as though I must mention Rocky. Rocky is Tayo's cousin/brother, and possibly the only person in his family that makes Auntie have a small sense of pride in her family. Why is she the only one? Well, Tayo's mother gave birth to him with a white man, so he wasn't 100% Native American; Tayo's mother having a kid with a white man is something that is against Native American "rules", for lack of a better word, and she brought shame to the rest of the family; then we learn about Josiah and his little affair with Night Swan. So I can see why she has only Rocky to rely on for having someone good in the family, but I think there was an instance or two where she treats Tayo like dirt. That being said, it sort of serves her right when the only one in the family who returns from the war is Tayo, but that death also deals a great blow to Tayo. But I am digressing. Her reliance on Rocky is quite satiated during his high school years since he actually gets a football scholarship, but the story does not mention anything about his grades, so the cup is only half full for now. The reliance, however, also includes Rocky's actions, and at one point in the story, Auntie is disappointed in him when he is spending more times for dinner at his girlfriend's house. Don't get me wrong: I understand that since everyone else in the family has nothing positive to contribute to their name, Rocky is the only one that can give the family some good reputation; however, I feel as though Auntie has just abandoned all hope in the rest of the family like garbage and is focusing on making Rocky the perfect boy. If that doesn't scream "rude" to anyone else, then I do not know what does.

Night Swan

I am still reading Ceremony right now, but at the point I am at right now, I am just lost in the development of the timeline. But in my confusion, I was able to be introduced to a peculiar side character known only as Night Swan. She is a dancer that Josiah had met at a bar one time, and if I am not mistaken in the descriptions of Josiah, I think he is or was in love with her. It all started with a request for a cigarette, and escalated quickly to a private dance. The private dance was a flamenco inside a room at the bar, but it was unlike anything Josiah had seen before. It was as if he was mesmerized, focusing only on the dance as the music and her dancing sped up. He was like this the whole time that he stayed with Night Swan, except for the last minutes he was with her that day. For some reason, Josiah saw something in Night Swan that could force him away from all he knew and loved before, and he called her a witch and threatened to have everyone else run her out of town. Then, once again, the timeline confuses me as she was talking about love of dance and how she was accused of murdering a woman's husband. I am not sure if this all took place during the same day, but Night Swan is such a mysterious character that I lost track of keeping the timeline. She said that she was a grandmother and then she recalled the time she decided to settle down in the bar as a retirement home. She definitely is a strange character- strange enough for Old Grandma to have a few stories to tell about her apparently. I wonder how long she knew about Night Swan.